Welcome to Star Valley Little League 2025
Here is the information about our league. Please read in full before registering.
This is a kid pitch, competitive league.
All kids who live in Star Valley are eligible to play, but note that most of the games will likely be played in Afton.
Each player will need to attend tryouts before the season starts. Date is TBD, but will be sometime in early May. Coaches will then pick teams after tryouts. Every player will be assigned a team. We can make accommodations for siblings, but guarantee no other team requests.
Players will need the following equipment: baseball pants (usually around $15-$20), a proper sized baseball glove (no t ball gloves), and cleats.
Age range is from 9-12 years old league age. That means that they can be 8 turning 9 but must turn 9 before September 1. They can be 12 turning 13, but they must turn 13 after September 1.
Players are expected to be at all practices and games. There will be 12 games on the schedule. Practices will be determined by the coach.
Games will be played mostly at Canyon View park in Afton as of now. That could change as there are a number of fields in the Valley that we are working on improving. Practice locations will vary by the coach, we will try to make it as easy as possible for people. Games will start towards the end of May, weather permitting.
At the end of the year an All-Star team will be picked. These players will have the chance to go to the District tournament, this year being held in the Big Horn area. If they do well at districts, the team can qualify for the state tournament (held in Lovell this year). The district tournament will be July 18-19. If we have enough in the 9-10 age we can also take a 10 and under team.
If you have any questions please reach out to Rich Huntsman at drhuntsmandc@gmail.com.